Thursday, May 30, 2013

Jude Elliot Anzardo

Never in a million years did I think I would be writing this post.  Tuesday, May 28th began so well and had such promise, but God other plans for the day.  The day ended in saddenness that will never go away, only subside with time.  For nine months, Kirsten and I planned and organized our lives around receiving a little boy, Jude Elliot, into our family and hearts.  But God kept Jude.

As many of you have already heard, when we arrived at the hospital anticipating Jude's birth and Kirsten was hooked up to the machines, we quickly discovered that Jude did not have a heartbeat.  Things were fine on Monday night, but it seems at this point that during the night or early morning the umbilical cord wrapped around Jude's foot and caused a clot or cut off the blood supply.  Kirsten courageously and naturally gave birth a few hours later.

Kirsten and I, along with both of our parents, were able to spend time with Jude before saying goodbye.  We were able to pray as a family and commend Jude and ourselves to God's unending grace and mercy.  This coming Saturday with our immediate family around us we will commit Jude's body to the ground in anticipation of Jesus' return.

We thank you all so very much for your love, prayers, encouraging words, and generousity throughout this most difficult time. Although w e have not had much time to respond to all the messages, cards, and phone calls, please know that we have received them and they have encouraged our hearts more than you will ever know!  There have been some who expressed a desire to give a gift, which is very kind and generous.  In lieu of flowers or anything to us we would be honored and we think God glorified if instead a donation would be made in Jude's name to To Every Tribe Ministries.

Just a note on Jude's name will help to explain why we are directing you to To Every Tribe.  Jude's first name comes from the second to last book of the Bible.  Two things excited our hearts about this name - 1) the doxology (God-ward praise) at the end of the book melts our hearts about the perfect righteousness before God Jesus gives to all who trust in Him alone and 2) Jude was a faithful contender for the "faith once for all delivered to the saints" and it was our prayer that our Jude would be the same!  His middle name Elliot is from the famous missionary/martyr Jim Elliot who gave his life for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Jim Elliot lost his life at the end of a spear because he wanted all the tribes of the world to hear and receive God's grace through Jesus Christ.  

It is to this end that we hope that if you are thinking of giving a gift to us that you would pass it on to others who are actively pursuing the goal that we had prayed Jude would one day pursue.  Here is how you can do it: 
1) Go to (
2) When asked to give gift in honor of someone you click "yes" and enter:
     Jude Elliot Anzardo
     400 Ocean Avenue
     Ocean City, NJ, 08226

We are so incredibly thankful for all your love and support.  Please continue to lift us before God's throne of grace!

Soli Deo Gloria,
Jon, Kirsten, and Trevor

When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil. (From My Hope is Built/The Solid Rock)

Saturday, November 17, 2012


The feeling is bittersweet.  We just purchased one-way tickets back to the States for January 9.  As many of you know, we announced in September that we will be ending our ministry in Buff Bay, Jamaica at the beginning of the year to begin a new season of work and schooling.  Our plan is to live in Ocean City, NJ until early August when we will move to Louisville, KY where I will begin full-time studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Last weekend we said goodbye to our last short-term team (from Sovereign Grace Chapel in Massachusetts who are faithful partners in the Gospel) and are now in full transition mode.  Selling off our stuff and packing our lives into barrels and suitcases will take up a big chunk of our lives.  In addition to the packing and selling, we will be spending the upcoming weeks sharing quality time with dear friends and continuing to teach in the churches while handing off ministry responsibilities to faithful saints.

Over the next several weeks we expect to be hit with a wave of emotions.  Jamaica has left an indelible mark on our lives, and God has used this ministry in so many ways to grow our faith in Him.  To be honest, the saints (and folks around town) have served and loved us well.  As a result, our goal is to leave well.  One way we will do this is by trusting the Lord to build His church.  There are many needs, but God has not and will not forget Jamaica.  Pastor Allen continues to be a tireless minister of Christ, and the saints are growing in and around Buff Bay!  Our leaving will create a gap, but we believe this is only for a time.  Jesus is building His church and He will provide all that is needed.

Please pray that we will remain focused and use our time wisely.  Pray also for the transition in ministry areas such as - preaching, youth fellowship, choir, and leading mid-week Bible studies in the circuit.  Lastly, pray that we will trust God with the work we have done over that past three years to accomplish all that He has planned and that He will continue to work until Jesus returns!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Alive and Well

We are still alive and plugging along here in Buff Bay.  Here is the latest:

Over the last two weeks, we were blessed and encouraged by a youth group team from East Brandywine Baptist Church led by Josh and Jen Park, Kirsten’s cousin and his wife.  Their ministry was widespread but concentrated on building into and challenging our Youth Fellowship and teens from Buff Bay.  A “Five Night Frenzy” helped achieve these goals as the evenings were by and for the young people.  Throughout the week, several teens professed faith in Jesus Christ and even more rededicated themselves to following Jesus wholeheartedly and running the Christian race hard to the end.  It was extra special to have served alongside family members who are always encouraging and uplifting.

The next four weeks are packed with camp, camp, and more camp.  From children’s camp this week to continued planning to youth camp the second week of August, we will be running around preparing and building deeper relationships with young people.  Please be praying for the children and teens as they come to their respective summer camps.  God has been moving in the hearts of many of our Buff Bay young people, and we trust Him to draw young men and women to Himself even this summer.  As you intercede for the young people, please also pray for Jon and the other men as they teach God’s Word, pray for Kirsten as she prepares activities and picks up random pieces, pray for Trevor that he will continue to be a blessing in the community, and pray for the upcoming teams that they will grow in grace and encourage the youth to seek the Lord. 

Lastly, your Trevor update.  This little boy loves to move!  Whether running around the house, church, and yard or swimming in the ocean, he rarely stops moving until he falls asleep – sometimes quite literally.  Trevor’s happy, friendly spirit brings us great joy each day and we thank God for this precious gift.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Elder Installation Service

Last night (Sunday) was an important night in the life of the ministry in Buff Bay - another gentleman and I were each installed as an elder/pastor within the circuit of churches.  The service was both meaningful and humbling.

The six churches came together for a special service in the evening.  One thing was clear throughout; Christ is the true and ultimate Shepherd of the flock.  In the days and weeks leading up to the service I prayed that God would be glorified and that I would be reminded of my great need for God's grace in order to carry out the duties of under-shepherding the flock of God.  There is no doubt in my mind that God was glorified in the service.  There was very little about us (the new elders) and much of our need for Christ to lead!  My heart was full as we looked to Christ, the pioneer and finisher of our faith, the one who goes before us, and walks with us! 

Sharing with the church my salvation testimony
In some informal remarks about the role and qualifications of an elder (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-10), Pastor Allen emphasized the need for faithfulness specifically among the men in the church.  He called the men to "rescue the brotherhood" from the cultural malaise and rise up in the church.  It was also a charge to the church ladies to fulfill their roles in the church with zeal and joy.

When we first moved to Jamaica, it took a while to adjust to the shouts of "Hey, white man!" and other curious looks as we walked the streets as the new neighbors.  However, last night reminded us of God's provision and call to Buff Bay.  The church was so excited to install us as elders and call us "Pastor."  My heart was full and a bit overwhelmed at God's grace in preparing the way for us and using us in the churches.  My heart was thankful and overjoyed at the bond we share in Christ race/ethnicity fade into background in light of our oneness in Christ!

faithful men from the circuit churches
Prayer with men from the circuit of churches
Please pray for us as I assume a more specific role within the churches as an elder.  Pray that my heart would continually look to Christ, the Good Shepherd, for wisdom, grace, strength, and joy.  Also pray with us concerning the next group of elders.  We do not know who they will be, but God does - pray that He, in His time, will make them clearly known so that the work of the church circuit around Buff Bay may continue on.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

An invitation

Below is an update on Kirsten's family that was just sent out; the news is too good to confine to one sphere of the internet.  Consider it an invitation to praise the Lord with us!  Without any further ado, here you go...

Thank you so much for your continued prayers on behalf of my sister, Katie, as she progresses in her recovery.  We are praising God today that she is able to feel her toes on both feet and wiggle most of them!  Her left leg is healing well, but her right leg was damaged much worse and, therefore, faces more obstacles in the recovery process.  Katie was released from the hospital over the weekend and was able to spend time with her husband as well as our parents and brother who is home for spring break from Moody Bible Institute.  I spoke with her today and was encouraged to hear how God has been growing her and healing her body, mind, and soul. 

Please continue to pray for Katie and her husband, Nate, as they face this next year.  You can pray specifically for the following: (1) that God will draw them closer to Himself and each other through this trial; (2) that Katie's legs will heal properly and fully, so that she might walk again; (3) that a rehabilitation facility will accept Katie so that she might get the constant care she needs; and (4) that God will strengthen and give great patience and compassion to those who are and will be caring for Katie long-term (Nate, my parents, nurses, doctors, and therapists). 

As for my mom, she is doing well.  A pace-maker was placed in her heart following her collapse and is now working as it should, and any acute pain is gone.  She is still experiencing discomfort but is thankful to have been in the hospital and received great care.  Continue to pray that God allows the pace-maker to settle into place properly and that He gives her strength and energy to care for Katie well.

We continue to rest on God's sovereignty, goodness and faithfulness as our family faces this road to recovery.  And we are so thankful that you have joined us in praying to the Great Physician for full healing and restoration!  

grace and peace,
Kirsten, Jon, and Trevor

Thank you so much for walking with us through these difficult times.  We are thankful for you and thank God for the joy and encouragement you have so faithfully shared with us! 

Monday, March 12, 2012

In like a lion

March is said to come in like a lion, and go out like a lamb.  This is a false statement in Jamaica.  It is false only in that it is not March that comes in like a lion, but February!  Let me explain.  

The month of February is an exciting time in Buff Bay.  Every February for the last 24 years a team led by Pastor Ed Moore and his wife Anna descend on the town and do all sorts of ministries.  Among the primary ministries are Bible school for boys and girls, mercy ministries such as visitation of hospitals and even bringing a full team of doctors (5 dentists, dental hygienist, dental assistant, and a medical doctor) to serve the local community completely free of charge, and an in-depth discipleship/ small group ministry for church members.  We, and the people here, have been tremendously blessed through these ministries.

Secondly, the final week of hosting the team this year, Kirsten and I also had the joy of having my parents here for a quick but good visit.  They were able to tag along with us as we served with the team, which allowed them to meet a bunch of the folks we have the privilege of serving day in and day out.  We were also able to show them some of the beautiful sites that the parish of Portland has to offer.  And, of course, they got to be with Trevor!  (...Oh yeah, and us too.) 

Getting back to a normal pace, with our more normal, every-day duties, is refreshing.  We always look forward for the adrenaline rush of the mad dash that is the month of February, but we are also glad to resume our Bible studies, reading classes, and other more regular responsibilities.  In fact, we actually feel energized by the structured, planned madness in a way that breathes life into our ministry.  For this, we thank God for healthy dose of divine B-12. 

P.S. - Kirsten's sister, Katie, is stable and has had operations on both of her legs.  Plans and a timetable for her to leave the hospital are still being worked out.  Please continue to pray for the family as they make decisions on behalf of Katie and serve her through the recovery process.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


In just a couple hours I am going to be heading to the airport to pick up Kirsten and Trevor.  As you know, they spent the last couple weeks in NJ/PA to be with her family after her sister's accident.  The report of her sister as of last night is this:  Katie is still in a tough spot but is showing signs of improvement.  She is scheduled to have an operation on one leg today (a six hour procedure) and if all goes well a second operation is slated for later this week.  They put off this surgery due to Katie's lung collapse and a subsequent infection, which to my non-medical mind caused to not heal and be strong enough to endure the surgery.  However, the doctor's have decided that she is well enough to now handle the surgery for which we praise God!  Please pray for Katie, Nate (her husband), the family, and medical staff as she goes into surgery today.

Since Kirsten and Trevor left, I have been in go, go, go mode.  With Pastor Allen off the island for a week and a team arriving just a day after Kirsten and Vernon left I assumed more responsibility in organizing rides, schedules, and the like for the team.  Therefore, I apologize for the delay in the updating.  However, Vernon is now back, the second wave of the team is now here and I have some slightly more time to post this update.  The team that is here are our dear friends from North Shore Baptist Church in NYC.  The majority of the team members come every year and this year is no different.  It has been a great blessing from God that even while Kirsten and Trevor have been away, I have been kept company and fed by dear, godly friends!  Please pray for the teams ministry over the next two weeks that God would cause it to be successful and that the saints would be strengthened through their work.

Lastly, here is our latest newsletter.  We wrote it awhile ago, but have yet to post it because of all the other more pressing news.  So, without any further ado - here it is!

Winter 2012 Newsletter